Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Some thanks and some info

I want to thank anyone who has already purchased my first two publications on the Amazon Kindle Store. True Brothers has been doing well and Post Pleasure just went up for sale recently.  I will have a new book going up shortly called "Burned By Lust" which will complete my trilogy of 'Family' stories. Look for it to be published soon.

My author page is now up at Amazon.com as well. - http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B004S7G8B6

If you would rather download DRM free versions of my work, as well as send me a larger percentage of the purchase price, my work will be available on http://www.Smashwords.com.  Usually, new work will be posted there much more quickly, and depending on content restrictions, possibly work not available anywhere else.  My author page there is - https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/RazerRace